

Agile Transformation

The Risks and Rewards of Agile Transformation Agility is a must in today’s digital business world, but transforming your business might be a tough stretch. Here’s what to consider. Agile transformation is no longer a state of nirvana sought only by tech companies. As we move deeper into the Digital Age, every ...
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Kanban as an Agile farmework – When and why to use?

Kanban is an Agile framework for managing the creation of products with an emphasis on continual delivery while not overburdening the Development team. It is a process designed to help teams work together more efficient and effectively. In our previous article we discussed regarding key differences between Kanban and Scrum. ...
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7 Lean wastes that you need to avoid at all cost

  We often think that we waste our time because of small things. Like getting a coffee or having a bigger lunch. But the reality is that the work we do is filled with time wasters that cost us more time than any break that we take. If we are ...
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LEAN 5S & Workplace Efficiency

If you want to take your office productivity up a notch, you don’t necessarily have to make huge and difficult changes. Surprisingly, simple and small adjustments can go a long way for your productivity journey. The 5S methodology is a simple yet effective technique to improve the way your office ...
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Leading through rapid change

Tips for Leading Your Company Through Rapid Change Business turbulence is a given. Company turmoil doesn’t have to be — if you follow these three tips for managing through disruption. Industry life cycles are getting shorter as the rate of technological change increases exponentially. Over the past decade or so, we’ve ...
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Why Change Management Efforts Fail So Consistently

We live in an age in which change has become the only constant. So it’s not surprising that change management models have become popular. Executives are urged to develop a plan to communicate the need for change, create a sense of urgency and then drive the process through to completion. Unfortunately, the vast majority of ...
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Let’s go on a positive Lean culture journey

Many of the organizations that I have worked in this year are involved in dramatic change. They are doing more to meet the increasing demands of customers in order to compete with companies within their industry. They are implementing new productivity standards which is causing them to measure more effectively ...
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Managment 3.0

Culture of continuous learning

Can culture of continuous learning that supports experiments, make a difference in this business environment?   Last week I deliver training to a great and highly engaged group of young people, sharpening together facilitation skills based on the experiential learning model. We share different opinions on the topic “How adults ...
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Management 3.0 and Agile?

Management 3.0 and Agile, how do they fit together? Does Management 3.0 need Agile? Does Agile need Management 3.0? Does Agile Software Development need Management 3.0? Good questions, especially because we developed a new module called Agile Product Development. Let’s first talk about Agile. Agile is a mindset. For example, ...
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Becoming a Better Leader

Becoming a leader is not something that people are born with, contrary to popular belief, it is something that is learned and must be worked on throughout a person’s life. That is why it is called personal development. You must want to become a leader and first learn to be ...
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The value of EQ in sales

There are many skills required to be a good salesperson. Confidence, motivation, passion and drive are all important, but perhaps the most important skill of all is emotional intelligence. What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the capacity to express and control emotions and to read the emotions of others ...
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Sales difference is the answer

Differentiation often starts with marketing, but it’s in the selling process that it truly comes alive. Analyzing buyers’ perceptions of what they believe led them to buy from the best sales man is crucial. In the analyze three factors were on differentiation. They were: Overall value from the company was ...
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Improving teamwork with simulations

To achieve greater goals the organization needs to establish objectives at a number of levels. SMART objectives are designed to ensure that everyone understands what is required and when. They make it easy to measure performance so that the business knows whether and when its goals have been achieved. Our ...
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